Here it might seem odd, but some times small things might take a lot of times, specially when you are at the project. One of them that bugged me a lot recently, is to install Splunk Universal Forwarder unattended.
Here is the command to install 64-bit version:
msiexec.exe /I splunkforwarder.[version].[make]-x64-release.msi AGREETOLICENSE=Yes DEPLOYMENT_SERVER="IP_ADDRESS:PORT_NUMBER" LUNCHSPLUNK=1 SERVICESTARTTYPE=auto /quiet
But the catch is, you should run your power shell command line instance as an administrator, if you UAC is enabled. To do this, when opening a new cmd prompt or power shell instance, right click and select “Run As Administrator”.
I have prepared a script which would automatize the installation process for you within your parent script:
function Install-SplunkForwarder { $arguments = @( "/i" "`"splunkforwarder-[version]-[make]-x64-release.msi`"" "DEPLOYMENT_SERVER=`"`"" "AGREETOLICENSE=Yes" "/quiet" "/norestart" "LOGON_USERNAME=`"domain\username`"" "LOGON_PASSWORD=`"password`"" ) Write-Verbose "Installing package..." $process = Start-process -FilePath c:\splunkforwarder-[version]-[make]-x64-release.msi -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -Passthru if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0){ Write-Verbose "Successfully installed" } else { Write-Verbose "Installer exit code $($process.ExitCode)" } }
You may skip the LOGON_USERNAME and LOGON_PASSWORD if you intent to run the SplunkForwarder Service with a SYSTEM account.